Saturday, February 23, 2013

Missing the city

Days like today make me realise just how much I miss the city. Today I saw - in the following order - a man with the longest, largest single dreadlock that I believe a human being has ever grown - busking in Bourke Street. I know, you're thinking that there is nothing at all unusual about that, but he was playing a full sized, antique organ - in the middle of Bourke Street! (And playing it incredibly well, too.) How on earth do you go about getting something that large into the middle of the city? You can't exactly push it into a train carriage or take it on a tram and, although looks can be very deceiving, the player did not appear to be a person who would have a delivery van on hand. Then I saw a trans-gender individual (most definitely pre-op) wearing a one piece, bright pink bathing suit and six inch heels walking a white poodle in Fitzroy. To round out the day I witnessed a very somber faced lawyer in full robes and wig roller skating down King Street. People in the country are downright boring by comparison :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Introducing ...........

Well, here we go again :). I have lost track of the number of times that I have attempted to start a blog, only to give up after the first couple of entries. I wonder how many thousands of similar abandoned blogs there are out there in cyberspace, started with the best of intentions, but abandoned so quickly after the novelty wore off, left to clog up hard drives and servers like yesterday's junk mail tossed aside on a table or bench. Not quite completely gone - but not serving any useful purpose either. This time have actually managed to have a few possible topic ideas in my head before I get started, so let's see if I can persevere this time and find something that is actually worth writing about.